Disintegration in Houdini

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The image below is the setup followed by a Tutorial by Entagma for pyro source spread (link)

The image below in the red network box is used for creating mask. For MaskByGeometry

ConvertVDB is used to create polygons from volumes. And that will be the source volume. It will allow the create attribute, in this case @maskP. That attribute can be used to delete extra details. The following geometry can be used as a particle source.

After deleting the polygon based on the attribute, the setup for particles can be created.

The above is the setup for the creating points from volume and additional behavior is added to the particles inside popnet. Image below shows that popforce, popwind and popreplicate is used to manipulate particles

After the setup is done in the popnet, particles are ready to be cached out but it is important to remove unwanted data. So, attribute delete will help keep vital details like ^P ^v ^age ^life so the cached files will be smaller in size, and this is very performance-friendly.